The First Essential Worker: Levels to effective, purpose-driven teaching
A valuable resource for educators, that discusses the essentialism of their daily dedication, to he calling of teaching. Teachers are forced into many unexpected roles, and this professional development has been proven to assist educators on how to navigate that process, while prioritizing the academic success of students. This program dives deep into the four main areas in which teachers should focus on the most, to assure longevity in the teaching profession; Self-care, Team work, Systems for best practices, and Dominion class management. The amazing instructional coaches at Chadijah and Co Educational Consulting give motivational, yet research-driven trainings based off these four levels, that cover but not limited to, mental health, restorative practices, class management, curriculum mapping, feedback for growth, teacher retention strategies& more!. To inquire about the logistics of this dynamic professional development training click the button below.
Chadijah and Co. Connections
An on-demand supply of resources for professional learning courses, filled with research-backed strategies, tools, and resources to achieve targeted outcomes and build awareness in selected topics to meet your district goals.
Results-oriented introduction to a curriculum or initiative, aligned to school and educator needs. Small-group, full day, on-site or virtual, centered on one Focus Area
1:1 Virtual Coaching
Personalized, growth-oriented support from expert coaches to build and sustain skills with , "Whole person" approach
Curriculum development
Using proven, time-tested strategies, to help educators implement SEL, culturally relative information into their lessons plans and curriculum development